By Ann Marier

If your child is having a problem learning to read, it is crucial that you get him or her tutor. Above all, do not go to one of the big learning centers. The best places to learn to read are small, independent tutoring clinics. Learning to read from the big factories is almost always a mistake. They tend to teach out of a book, and are not able to tailor their programs to individual children's learning styles. As a parent of a student having trouble learning to read, you need to understand as quickly as possible that there is no simple answer to your child's learning problems. Only through a combination of strategies will your child successfully learn reading.
Unfortunately, a lot of parents make bad decisions at crucial stages. If your child is having trouble learning to read, the longer you wait, the worse things get. He or she will feel stupid, hopeless, and worthless. I have even seen kids give up learning to read because they have little success with the programs their parents try.
About the Author: Ann Marier has written many articles on health problems and useful house and garden Topics. More articles on Parenting Tips
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From my experience, here's the typical cycle a student goes through before they drop out.
Institutes for Research tracked students who entered 1,576 different 4-year
colleges in the United States.
They published
their findings October 2010:
- Only 57.6% graduated.
- Meaning 42.4% dropped out!
- Of course, not all of them dropped out because they lacked study skills.
- Though unlike financial or health reasons we have the power to overcome study skill challenges pretty quickly.
- They found it costs each student an average of $16,138 per year inside non-profit public & private 4-year colleges.
- After the government, scholarships, and parents pitch in...the rest comes out of your pocket. (Though I probably don't have to tell you if you're staring at huge student loans.)
- After finding this out, it's important for you to know...
How To Tell If You're A
Potential College Drop Out And Save $16,138 Per Year
From my experience, here's the typical cycle a student goes through before they drop out.
Check it out and notice if you can
1. When we start
college, we feel excited.
2. When we lack
the study skills needed, we start feeling bad.
3. Then
we find ways to escape the bad feelings (excessive internet, video
games, drinking, hanging out, partying, and so on).
For many students,
escaping means eventually dropping out.
If they drop after the first year,
this costs an average $16,138!
If they drop the
second year...$32,276!
The third year...$48,414!
You get the picture.
Understand drop outs
don't have a degree.
Guess how tough it'll
be for them to pay off those student loans working next to minimum wage.
(Can anyone say, "Hi Mom, can I have my old room back? Oh, how long? For
Unless you like
throwing money away, you must realize...
Stop Studying In The Dark
12 Lessons - 5 min/each
In this section I reveal step-by-step
what I shared with Ravi and Faey. Let the lights come on for you too.
You discover HOW and WHY what I showed them supercharged their studies. My hope is that these lessons will do the same for you.
You discover HOW and WHY what I showed them supercharged their studies. My hope is that these lessons will do the same for you.
Find out how talking about Batman led to Ravi, a straight F student, to almost straight A's. (It worked so well that Batman was all we talked about when we met for future tutoring!)
See the picture that kept Faey from dropping out. (You're gonna hate it cause it's stupid simple, but love it cause it makes so much sense.)
Students who discover these study skills get higher
marks in less time. It's like having a fast internet connection versus a slow one.
whatever reason, these skills are NOT taught in the classroom. The students
who discover them work smarter, not harder...
How To Upgrade
Your Student Mind
Super Classroom Ninja Skills
9 Lessons - 7 min/each
Super Classroom Ninja Skills
9 Lessons - 7 min/each
This sections gets into the
step-by-step nitty gritty of everyday studying and class work.
Here's a small sample lessons in this
• Study Booster System: Slice Study Time In Half - Sit down and finish studying before others even get started (amazed at how much information you kept).
• Memorization Madness: Maximize Your Memorization -
Get answers to pop right out of your head.
• Go Speed Reader: Read With Speed - Rip through books wondering why anyone would read any other way.
• Ace Test Pilot: Fly Through Tests With Higher Scores - Jet through a test with everyone wondering, "Done already?"
• Essay Crushing Formula: Laugh At Essays - Have total confidence crushing essays (you get the inside scoop from my experience as full-time essay examiner).
• Study Booster System: Slice Study Time In Half - Sit down and finish studying before others even get started (amazed at how much information you kept).
• Memorization Madness: Maximize Your Memorization -
Get answers to pop right out of your head.
• Go Speed Reader: Read With Speed - Rip through books wondering why anyone would read any other way.
• Ace Test Pilot: Fly Through Tests With Higher Scores - Jet through a test with everyone wondering, "Done already?"
• Essay Crushing Formula: Laugh At Essays - Have total confidence crushing essays (you get the inside scoop from my experience as full-time essay examiner).
Listen, there are 2 more keys to your developing study skills.
While they're completely
ignored in the classroom,
program covers them in detail...
Get insights into what
gets top students
working even when
they don’t want to do anything.
This section helps you
become more motivated as a student. Here you ask yourself tough questions
that you’ve probably never asked before. You may shock and amaze
more clear and confident about the path you've chosen.
Stop Being Smacked By
Ancient Focus Exercises
11 Lessons - 5 min/each
Let’s face it, the
information-age isn’t like any other time in history.
You have so many
distractions coming from everywhere.
a miracle you can get
anything done.)
Ancient Focus Exercises
11 Lessons - 5 min/each
This section helps you
laser focus using the wisdom of ancient masters.
Discover what's worked for thousands of years to solve what's become a
modern day mental epidemic. Worry and distraction doesn't have to run your
we add all 4 sections of this program together, you can...
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